


The 15 International Art and Technology Meeting (#15.ART) consists of roundtables, lecture and exhibition, which is held annually pelaUniversidade of Brasilia, Federal University of Goiás, Université Paris VIII and University of Aveiros / Portugal, with the support the above noted partner institutions, in October, 2016.

The presentation format, expands and establishes between Brazil, France and Portugal communications spaces, lectures and art shows aimed at questioning, criticizing and analyzing current thinking, without forgetting the past, in the future prospecting.

Since the 1960s, the arts are marked by two main problems at the same time social-aesthetic and viewer participation. The artist is replaced by new features in current society, in which the visual and spectacle arts, poetry, music, multimedia, while areas where the artist becomes invested with responsibilities in relation to their professional partners, but mainly in relation to its public, who are invited to intervene in varying degrees in the design and creation process. Called new folk art by Frank Popper, is located on the opposite side of all simplicity and ingenuity, as it is connected to the science and technology of our time, to cybernetics and computer science, for example. It is found that worldwide phenomena occurs formation of large collectives, groups and teams working collaboratively. It remains essential to review and redefinition of relations between artists, theoreticians and public, which causes uninterruptedly new aesthetic thoughts.

The theme of this meeting will be discussed in the following thematic tables:


Arts, Culture and Society
Installations, performances and urban interventions
computer art
Education in Art
Between art and design
Visual music.
Gamearte and Hqtronica.
Magic and technology, art and politics.
process art.
Stories and theories.
Scenarios contexts.

Every encounter is presented as a result of the publication of online proceedings and alternating with print publication of the proceedings, as well as books, magazines with selected texts and exposure to DVD catalog. The Editorial Board consists of Belidson Days, Cleomar Rock; Paulo Bernardino; Suzete Venturelli; Gilbertto Prado; Milton Sogabe Paul Bernardino and François Soulages.

Briefly, some treated subjects showed reflections aimed at revealing the complex relationship political, social and identity, to highlight the artistic thinking through emerging notions that allow us to understand and deepen the theories that arise from new aesthetic paradigms linked to the symbiosis of systemic thoughts , artistic, scientific, technological, aesthetic and political. In the same context, he presented the exhibition entitled Instinct, with the participation of renowned artists of computer art. Also it has been relying on international partners, as those supported by the European Union cooperation program called "Europe-pays tiers: le Brésil" whose proposal says that art is not indifferent to the tense relationship between the local and the global. On the one hand it is subject to political constraints, social, economic of the territory, on the other hand suffers the pressure of large scale information of media and communication technologies.

Artistic creation finds its production space in the fields of current technologies, art and technology, thought Julio Plaza. Is part of a half ecosocial, politicized and culturally challenging on shaky ground, as the art itself of globalized today. The meetings analyze concepts such as territory and culture, materiality and immateriality and confront them with new ideas coming from the computing means, such as the notion of collaborative work, shared in co-authorship of interactor / user, system, virtuality of artificiality, simulation interface of hypertextuality, ubiquity, and interactivity in order to articulate and update the discourse on research and artistic production area of ​​operation.

Other issues involving analysis of complex systems: artificial, natural and mixed to demonstrate how computational systems are in some cases similar to the natural ecological communities, as they are complex, synergistic, open, adaptive and dynamic. They include computational components interacting with each other and the computing means. As computing ecosystems its species arise and grow constantly evolving, seeking internal balance between its elements and their interactions. The computational spontaneous species form communities and interact with the environment. A computational species as, for example, cell phones, within the computer art, consist of hardware (such as the body of a biological species) coupled to its associated software (to simulate the life of a biological species). In the computing environment, and in biological, computational species live and reproduce.

In this case, it was highlighted that the interactions between species computing, computational intra-species and nature are significant in the artistic context. The biological metaphor recurs in art computational complex systems. As the meeting, the exhibition entitled Art Computational showed the result of research conducted by renowned artists of the area. For the first time the meeting was also held under the coordination of Ana Beatriz Barroso, an animation workshop. No plot or narrative development, this workshop consists of making an animation to show a person that simply leaves come out what she has inside. As the essential nature of this within vary from person to person.

The # .art, has sought throughout history, distinguish artwork, using digital technology as a tool to produce traditional forms of art, other types of production, which emerged from the collaboration between art, science and technology and create inseparable unpublished systems of thought that conceptualizes the sensitive knowledge of homo aestheticus. Issues were discussed as raised by the philosopher Luc Ferry, for which art is deeply social event and policy, not in the sense that mobilizes issues or social and political interests, but because it shows that the historical and conceptual changes relating to that is are art par excellence, where the social and political image of a society is readable for the most clearance. For the author, like the concept, before referring to the art world, designated a particular contour of sociability. The event honored the leading historian of Brazilian art to encourage the relationship of art and technoscience paulistano Walter Zanini and continued to explore specific topics to the field of computer art as interactivity in art, artificial life and intelligence, political and social activism, social networking and presence the distance, virtual museum, as well as issues such as the collection, presentation and preservation of digital art, among others, because it turns out that with access to free networks to software, hardware, Internet and mobile devices such as PDAs (Personal digital Assistants) and mobile phones, is emerging a new creative wave as a new folk art.

The # .art in its editions questions the status of the artist today and the creation of processes and analyzes concepts such as Technological Singularity or simply Singularity, coined by Ray Kurzweil (2013), which is the hypothetical time when artificial intelligence will reach the same degree of human intelligence, perhaps changing human nature itself, that will become increasingly nonbiological. It is the dawn of a new civilization that will allow us to transcend our biological limitations and amplify our creativity.

In this sense, one can say that digital technologies are homeopathic contaminating layers of the art system, which no longer has the monopoly of the media. The meeting aims to verify the nature of the art technology itself makes the control limits become more porous and allow reviewing traditional control systems. All of this is allowing the expanded art, challenge, and even redefine notions.

In conjunction with the event, computer art exhibition will be displayed at the National Museum of Brasilia Republic for 30 days of October. Important works of research originated in Brazil and abroad will be represented.

In 2015, the # 14ART: Art and Human Development examined, contrasted and discussed new productive territories, as well as discussed the creative developments. The event sought to entrepor in contact zones and overlap between fields and cultures, academic research and independent creative practices, sustainable and social engagement policies or technological ideas and proposals for the evolution of the Human, for the twenty-first century. Sought that the discussion focus discussions on the transformative aspect of the art at the present time whether post-average (Lev Manovich, Peter Weibel, Rosalind Krauss) or posthuman (Katherine Hayles, Nick Bostrom, Cary Wolfe).

Thus, through the previous events of this international meeting, it became clear that the art - with the conditions provided by the discourse of science, technology and media - offers a potential - intelligent and interesting - where the means and technologies are engaged in critical thinking and elocution for the arts and which fade preconceived ontological distinctions. However, the quality symbolic and aesthetic, as well as critical thinking and investigative aspects and theoretical confrontation of "pre-media art," also have to be so important for the "post-media art", forcing the production and artistic discourse to maintain a mediation between matter and matter - realities and utopias.

Over the past 25 years with the expansion of academic interest in the relationship between art, science and technology, the 150 International Art Meeting and Technology will enable keep putting Brasilia as irradiator pole reflections on contemporary art bringing to the city important representatives of the area.



General Programming # 15.ART Brazil


Talk with guests and oral presentation of selected works:

Location: Auditorium of the National Museum of the Republic, from 3 to 7 October 2016, from 8 am to 21h


computer art exhibition EmMeio # 7.0

National Museum of the Republic

Esplanade of Ministries

3 of the 30 October 2016


The Art Exhibition and Technology EmMeio # 7.0 will present artwork resulting from research conducted at major research laboratories in art, science and technology of Federal and State Universities.

The exhibition is an integral part of the 15th International meeting of art and technology (# 15.ART)

Curator: Maria Luiza Fragoso, Tania Fraga and Suzete Venturelli

The works will be selected from publication of a notice.